Saturday, July 28, 2012


Radiation is finished!!!! 14 treatments It seems as though radiation has sucked every last ounce of energy from my body - literally. I get up and go to work everyday and I am in bed every night by 5:30 or 6:00 I feel like I haven't spent good, quality time with Barrett or the kids since mid-June when all this started. I have to keep telling myself that I have to rest and let my body recover so I can go back to being the wife/mom I was before but it is hard to rest all of the time. I am a control freak - I will admit it. This loss of control has been hard. This is the worst I have felt since I was diagnosed on 11.11.11 I am ready to get through this part, be back in remission and move on.

1 comment:

  1. You are a rock star, and will be back to feeling great soon. You can do this!!
